
thirumAlirunjsOlai 1

AzhwAr was touring pANDiya nATTu tirupati. Suddenly he went to tiruvallavAzh of malainADu. Again he comes to tirumAlirunjOlai of pANDiya nADu.

1. mundura uraikkEn viraikkuzhal maDavAr
kalaviyai viDu taDumAral
andaramEzhum alaikadalEzhum
Aya emmaDihaL tam kOyil |
SandoDu maNiyum aNimayil tazhaiyum
tazhuvi vandu aruvihaLnirandu
vandizhi SAral mAlirumSOlai
vaNangudum vA maDanenjE || One ||

Oh! Foolish mind! Whether you worship or don’t worship Him i care the least. What i advice you is don’t go after worldly matters. AzhwAr is going to say in the next tirumozhi— ‘kaNNALan kaNNamangai naharALan kazhal nADi avanai uLLattu eNNAda mAniDattai eNNAda pOdellAm iniyavArE’. i don’t compel you to think of Him. But i compel you not to think of those who don’t think of Him. Here too he says ‘Oh! Mind! i don’t insist that you should think of Him. But please don’t think of anything else other than Him. Don’t think especially of ‘virikuzhal maDavAr’. It is interpreted as — the phase is through the vision of a samsAri.

taDumAral—Oh! Mind! It is very simple. Don’t get confused. i ask you to renounce the world (or) Oh! Mind! Why do you get confused whether to renounce the women or not? Certainly you should.

Well! When the mind has to renounce all thoughts of worldly things, what should it think about? AzhwAr says attach yourself to His tiruvaDi. He is the upAdAna kAraNa (material cause) of all that is created. The mentioning of seven seas and seven worlds is upalakShaNa for everything that is created. He is the kAraNa as well as kArya (cause as well as effect). He resides in this divya dESa tirumAlirumSOlai where the streams and water falls along the slopes bring gems, sandal trees and peacock feathers as if to offer them at His feet.

2. iNDaiyum punalum koNDiDaiyinri
ezhuminO tozhudumenru imaiyOr
aNDarum parava aravaNaittuyinra
SuDarmuDikkaDavuL tam kOyil |
viNDalar tooLi vEivaLar puravil
viraimalar kurinjiyin narundEn
vaNDamar SAral mAlirumSOlai
vaNangudum vA maDanenjE || Two ||

Oh! maDa nenjE! Know this place tirumAlirumSOlai as a better place than paramapada or pArkaDal where He lies on tiruanandAzhwAn worshipped by the nitya sooris, riShis and muktas. But here in this divya dESa where He resides happily finding it as a better place than the former ones since here come Baktas, BAgavatas, Arthas and artharthis to worship Him. This mountain is full of split bamboo trees full of pollen grains and fragrant kurinji malar spreading this aroma everywhere.

The nityasooris ‘wake up’ (like ANDAL does in tiruppAvai) other BAgavatas ‘Hey! BAgavatas! Let us go to tirumAlirumSOlai carrying flowers, dhoopa, deepa, teertha etc., and worship Him’.

3. piNivaLarAkkai neenga ninrEtta
perunilamaruLin munnaruLi
aNivaLar kuraLAi ahaliDamuzhudum
aLanda emmaDihaL tam kOyil |
kaNivaLar vEngai neDunilamadanil
kuravar tam kavaNiDaitturanda
maNivaLar SAral mAlirumSOlai
vaNangudum vA maDanenjE || Three ||

Oh! Mind! Know that BagavAn created this vast Boomi with all sense objects and gave you senses too what for? If you enjoy them you remain here as samsAri. If you renounce both (objects and senses) you get the paramapada. He is the one who begged as vAmana three feet of land and measured as trivikrama all the worlds in two strides. He did it in order to teach mahAbali who claimed the land as his own that whatever is created by Him is His belongings. He resides in tirumAlirumSOlai. Let us go and worship Him there.

kaNivaLar vEngai—The tree tells us kAla like an astrologer. It grows flowers in that particular season, sheds leaves in a particular season and so on. (or) It can be interpreted as the ‘vEngai tree full of flowers’. But the former interpretation is much better.

kavaNiDai turanda maNi—The gypsies use the catapult to throw gems at the birds to drive them away.

4. SoormaiyilAya pEi mulaiSuvaittu
SuDuSaram aDuSilai turandu
neermaiyilAda tADahaimALa
ninaindavar manamkoNDa kOyil |
kArmalivEngai kOngalar puravil
kaDimalar kurinjiyin narundEn
vArpunalSoozh taN mAlirumSOlai
vaNangudum vA maDanenjE || Four ||

In tirumAlirumSOlai lives emberumAn who killed the rAkShasi pootana who came to feed Him disguised as yaSOda; He killed the rAkShasi called tATaka to obey the order of the sage viSwAmitra with His terrible arrows. Oh! Stupid mind! Let us go to that diyva dESa where the kOngu and vEngai grow tall as to touch the clouds, where the honey flows like a river from the kurinji malar down the slopes of the mountain.

5. vaNangalilarakkan SerukkaLattaviya
maNimuDiyorupadum puraLa
aNagezhundavantan kavandamninrADa
amarSeida aDihaL tam kOyil |
piNangalil nEDuvEi nudimuham kizhippa
piraSam vandizhita perundEn
maNangamazh SAral mAlirumSOlai
vaNangudum vA maDanenjE || Five ||

The king of lankApuri, rAvaNa, the proud rAkShasa king, declared he would never fall at rAma’s feet even if his body is split into two. This hero was killed by rAma in the fierce battle where his ten heads were beheaded and made to roll on the ground, His trunk still had life in it. It danced in the terrible battle field like it was haunted by a spirit. Sree rAma could have very well killed him by his mere sankalpa. Then why should He take an avatAra, go to forest, lose His wife, cross the ocean, fight a war and kill him? It is only to show the world the heroism of rAvaNa. Our swAmi resides in tirumAlirumSOlai where there are tall bamboo trees whose tips entwine and when they sway in the wind they pierce the honey comb from which the honey flows like a stream down the slopes causing the area aromatic with its scent.

6. viDangalandamarnda aravaNai tuyinru
viLanganikku iLanganruviSiri
kuDangalandADi kuravai munkOtta
kootta emmaDihaL tam kOyil |
tangaDal muhandu viSumbiDai piLira
taDavarai kaLirenru munindu
maDangal ninradirum mAlirumSOlai
vaNangudum vA maDanenjE || Six ||

Oh! Mind! Go to tirumAlirumSOlai where there are huge clouds resembling wild elephants, where they thunder the lions on the ground look up with anger and think ‘Ah! This tiny elephant has such guts to trumpet in front of me when i am keeping quiet’ and feels humiliated. He roars in reply to the sound.

Here resides emberumAn who lies on the cozy bed of tiruanandAzhwAn. He could not feel happy staying in pArkaDal. Hence He descended to AyarpADi to be with the shepherd folks and cattle. He played kuDakkoottu and rAsakreeDa to please the AyarpADi men and women. He also killed kapittAsura with vatsAsura. He is in tirumAlirumSOlai to make Himself more sulaBa than kriShNa.

7. dEnuhanAvi pOyuha angOr
SezhundiraL pananganiyudira
tAnuhanderinda taDangaDal vaNNar
eNNimunniDam koNDa kOyil |
vAnahachchOlai marahada SAyal
mAmaNikkalladar niraindu
mAnuhar SAral mAlirumSOlai
vaNangudum vA maDanenjE || Seven ||

emberumAn thought over here to dwell in the Boomi and decided tirumAlirumSOlai as the best place to reside. He who took kriShNAvatAra and killed dEnukAsura with vatsAsura resides here in order to bless the people like us. It is a place full of forests where deer's having emerald like skin roam about freely among the rocks in search of honey.

8. pudamihu viSumbil puNariSenraNava
porukaDal aravaNai tuyinru
padamihu pariyin mihusinamtavirtta
panimuhilvaNNar tam kOyil |
kadamihu Sinatta kaDataDakkaLiTTrin
kavuLvazhi kaLivaNDu paruha
madamihu SAral mAlirumSOlai
vaNangudum vA maDanenjE || Eight ||

emberumAn left His abode of tiruppArkaDal where He lies comfortably on the cozy bed of tiruanandAzhwAn to come to AyarpADi. He killed kEsi (an asura disguised as a horse). He resides in tirumAlirumSOlai where there are thick forests where live mad wild elephants from whose heads ruts flow. The bees find it very sweet and drink it. Still the rut keeps flowing and flows down the slopes of the mountain like river. Oh! Mind! Think of Him, go to tirumAlirumSOlai and worship Him.

9. pundiyil SamaNar puttarenrivarhaL
ottanapESavum uhandiTTu
endaipemmAnAr imaiyavar talaivar
eNNi munniDamkoNDa kOyil |
Sandanappozhilin tAzh Sinai neezhal
tAzhvarai mahaLirhaL nALum
mandirattirainjum mAlirumSOlai
vaNangudum vA maDanenjE || Nine ||

BagavAn feels sorry for the vEda bAhyas like jains and boudhas. He thinks ‘Ah! These poor jeevas out of ignorance have lost my sambandha. But i am happy there are some Sree vaiShNavas who worship me alone. For their sake let me be in this divya dESa’. He is the Lord of nitya sooris and always is my kulanAtha. The gypsy women of this mountain worship Him chanting mantras.

10. vaNDamarSAral mAlirumSOlai
mAmaNivaNNarai vaNangum
toNDaraipparavum SuDaroLi neDuvEl
SoozhvayalAli nannADan |
kaNDal nalvEli mangaiyar talaivan
kaliyan vAyoliSeida panuval
koNDivai pADum tavamuDaiyArhaL
ALvar ikkurai kaDalulahE || Ten ||

tirumangai AzhwAr, the chief of tirumangai nADu always carries a shining spear in order to kill the enemies of BAgavatas. He has sung ten pASuras on the emberumAn of tirumAlirumSOlai in beautiful tamizh. Those who are able to sing them are indeed fortunate people on this earth since they cross over the samsAra sAgara and rule the whole of this earth as kings.

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